Expairiment Overview

What Is an Expairiment?

It's the suite of tools in pairLab that shows you how people prioritize ideas.

Prioritize means two things:

  • How a group of people -- and even individual segments within that group -- rank order ideas from their most favorite to least
  • By how much they prefer each of those ideas over the others.

Why do we need both, why not just rank order? Knowing both preference and passion help us make better decisions.

Let’s say I am planning the annual holiday lunch and I find from my expairiment that the top three choices in my office are Indian food, Chinese food and Pizza. If I know that the group prefers Indian twice as much as Chinese, I’m going to pick Indian food. However, if they prefer Indian over Chinese by only 10%, then I can pick either without regret. Knowing passion behind priority helps me make better choices.

My Expairiments Page

We start on the My Experiments page, which is the launch page for expairiments.

Here we see a list of the expairiments we’ve created, when they were created, whether they are open or closed to survey participants, and links to access each of the tools in an expairiment

The Three Operations

Let’s take a look at each of the operations that together make up an expairiment:

  • Survey Config – this is where we set up the question and ideas we want to test. It has several parts, all of which help to create the survey that tests our ideas and includes:
    • The question we want to test
    • Status indicators
    • Messaging which is shown to survey participants at the beginning and end of the survey
    • Demographic segments, which allow us to see and compare results for specific subgroups of participants
    • Idea queues for both ideas being tested and ideas crowdsourced from participants that we can feed back into the survey for additional testing
      • Crowdsourced ideas are important because as the survey owner, we may not know every possible idea to test – an here our participants are telling us what we don’t know
  • Check data – this is where we look for problems in the responses from our survey participants to be sure we produce accurate results. On this page we have indicators that help us decide whether to include or exclude participant responses
  • Results show data in real time and include a summary, which gauges the health of our expairiment, comments we received from participants and data visualization to see how our survey participants prioritize ideas
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Posted by Christian
on September 17, 2020